Wednesday 16 July 2014

Hair care

Here are few tips for complete hair care.


Diet containing dry fruits, milk products, salads, fresh fruits and lentils are essential for good hair texture and growth.
Lecithin granules and wheat germ are good for hair.

Oil your scalp near the roots. This helps in lubricating the skin, providing nourishment, increases blood supply to roots, which leads for hair growth.
It also have soothing effect, which induces sleep, prevents hair fall, premature graying.

A mixture of almond oil, oilve oil and castor oil in equal proportions acts as very good hair tonic.

To prevent premature greying:
 Regular use of henna, hibiscus flower, alovera and sesame helps in preventing premature greying and also for good color of hair.

Add pieces of fresh and young bamboo leaves in coconut oil and keep until the oil turns into light green in color.
This oil can help in preventing premature greying.

Lime juice with mustard oil works excellent for dandruff.
Massaging onion juice on the scalp helps to reduce dandruff.

Applying fenugreek leaves paste on scalp also reduces dandruff.
For severe dandruff applying a mixture of beet juice, lime and need on the scalp helps.
It should be repeated every third day for disappearance of dandruff.

Hair packs: 
Mixture of oilve oil,vinegar, coconut milk and chicken egg in equal proportions acts as excellent hair pack.

It should be applied for 15 minutes and rinse off.
For shiny hair rinsing with lime and tea decoction helps.

Hair fall: 

Mix oilve oil, honey and cinnamon powder, make into paste.
It should be applied to scalp and wash after 15 minutes.
By using three to five times a week it helps in preventing hair fall.

To give bounce to hair:

Apply mixture of gram flour(besan) with starch from cooked rice and wash after few minutes.
Heat coconut oil, add two flakes of garlic and three peppercorns to it. Cool and apply to your scalp for healthy and voluminous hair.

Chlorine problem of water: 
Mix baking soda with shampoo and apply to hair. This will help in getting out of chlorine from hair.

Excessive shampooing strips off the protein present and can lead to severe damage.
Blow dryers and curling tools should be avoided in summer because they aggravate the damage caused by hot atmosphere.
Better to avoid chemical treatments like perming, bleaching etc.
If that is must, better to take coconut oil hair bath before chemical treatment.
Shaving the head doesn't improve hair growth.
Trimming the hair in every 6 to 8 weeks helps in avoiding split ends.

And helmets do not cause loss of hair. 

1 comment:

  1. Olive oil remedy is good for hair or organic bhringraj oil is also very much effective for hair health. Try this.
